A weekly newsletter of the best news, articles and projects about GraphQL


Announcing TypeGraphQL 1.0

Over two years after the initial announcement, TypeGraphQL is now ready for its first stable release - v1.0.0. TypeGraphQL is a modern framework for creating GraphQL APIs with TypeScript and Node.js using only classes and decorators. In this announcement post, Michał Lytek –the author of TypeGraphQL– presents new features and changes in the stable release, covering aspects such as performance and new features.


Introducing the GraphQL API for WordPress

In this article, Leonardo Losoviz walks through his newly-released GraphQL API for Wordpress plugin. The plugin enables developers to retrieve data from a Wordpress website using GraphQL queries. Leonardo talks about existing solutions on the market, the motivations for creating the plugin, and the advantages it brings. Follow along to find out how you can query your Wordpress data using GraphQL.


Full Stack Starterkit

The Full Stack Starterkit is a repo that provides developers a starting point for their GraphQL applications. The template app uses React on the front end and Node on the backend and includes a range of popular technologies including Prisma for data access, Apollo for the GraphQL client and server, and Jest for testing. Check out the starter kit for your next GraphQL project.


GraphQL Query Generator

The GraphQL Query Generator library can be used to generate randomized GraphQL queries from a given schema. This can be useful for application development as you can create a static test suite of GraphQL queries, load test your GraphQL API, and better understand your GraphQL services in general.


GraphQL Tools is back - next generation schema stitching and new leadership

Announcing the new GraphQL Tools v6 together with the new documentation website. After the Guild has taken over the popular GraphQL Tools repository from the Apollo team, they've got a new release with many new features and bug fixes. The new release includes improvements to SDL-first tooling, ways to modify schemas with directives, and next-generation schema stitching.

Super Graph – GraphQL-to-SQL for Go

Super Graph gives you a GraphQL API for PostgreSQL database written in Go. It aims to cut development time by reducing the boilerplate when developing GraphQL APIs that use an SQL database. It automatically generates SQL queries and comes packed with features such as authentication, Rails integration, remote joins, JWT tokens and more. Learn more in the documentation.


Async-graphql - the GraphQL server library implemented in Rust

The JavaScript and Node.js ecosystem has been instrumental in shaping the tools we use to build applications. Thanks to GraphQL language-agnostic specification, we now see many libraries and implementations in different languages. Async-graphql is the latest contender in the Rust ecosystem joining Junpier and differentiates itself with its support for async/await in Rust amongst many other features.


InQL - A Burp Extension for GraphQL Security Testing

An open source project to facilitate GraphQL technology security auditing efforts, Inql can fetch the metadata for information for Queries, mutations, subscriptions, fields and arguments, Objects and custom objects types. The project is written in Python, and can be used alone or as an extension in the Burp Suite.

GraphQL Mesh

GraphQL Mesh is an open-source library designed to provide developers access to services using other API specifications, such as GraphQL, Federated GraphQL, gRPC, openapi/Swagger, and more. The library also allows you to easily extend or modify your new schema, providing a fully-typed GraphQL SDK. A detailed description of how GraphQL Mesh works and usage examples are offered at the end of the post.

GraphQL Generation tool for stucco

Check out this interactive CLI tool, Centaur, used to create MongoDB Stucco Database Resolvers in TypeScript from GraphQL schemas. The generated available resolvers include CRUD operations, REST proxy resolvers, and more. Learn how to configure Centaur into your own project by following the installation instructions provided.


Announcing GraphQLize Alpha

GraphQLize is a new open-source JVM library for developing GraphQL API instantly from your existing PostgreSQL and MySQL databases. Additionally it takes care to optimize the underlying SQL queries to avoid problems like N+1 queries. While the project is not yet production ready, it has been released with the goal of getting feedback from the community and the announcement post lists a couple of ways that people can stay in the loop or connect about the project.

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