A weekly newsletter of the best news, articles and projects about GraphQL

Tools & Open Source

Inigo Meets Apigee: Elevate Your GraphQL APIs in Google Cloud

In their article, "APIgee and Inigo: A Perfect Partnership for API Management," author Eric Murphy explores the synergy between APIgee and Inigo for effective API management. He highlights how APIgee's API gateway capabilities seamlessly integrate with Inigo's observability and analytics platform. This combination empowers organizations to monitor, analyze, and optimize their APIs in real-time. Eric emphasizes the importance of centralized API management, particularly in complex environments with multiple teams and applications. Inigo concludes by outlining the benefits of using APIgee and Inigo together to achieve enhanced API governance and efficiency.

Drizzle to GraphQL πŸŽ‰

You can now convert Drizzle Schema to GraphQL schema with just one line of code and yes, it's fully customisable!

Tools & Open Source

Strawberry GraphQL, Introducing the new Playground

The Strawberry GraphQL team introduces their new Playground tool, designed to streamline the development and exploration of GraphQL APIs. This interactive platform offers a visual interface for building queries, inspecting mutations, and testing GraphQL servers. The Playground features code completion, auto-fetching of documentation, and support for subscriptions. This article emphasizes how the new Playground simplifies debugging, experimenting, and collaboratively building GraphQL applications.

gql.tada, New CLI Workflows 2024/04/15

gql.tada's Devlog explores the importance of testing GraphQL APIs thoroughly. The article highlights the challenges of traditional testing approaches, such as isolation testing and mutation testing, and proposes a comprehensive testing strategy for GraphQL applications. GQL TADA emphasizes the role of mutation testing frameworks in ensuring data integrity and uncovering potential issues. This insightful piece provides practical guidance on how to implement effective testing practices for GraphQL APIs.

Tools & Open Source

GraphQL Yoga, Experimental Support for Execution Cancellation

In the real world, a lot of HTTP requests are dropped or canceled. This can happen due to a flakey internet connection, navigation to a new view or page within a web or native app or the user simply closing the app. In this case, the server can stop processing the request and save resources. That is why Yoga now comes with experimental support for canceling the GraphQL execution upon request cancellation.

Tools & Open Source


Yaak helps you interact with REST, GraphQL, and gRPC, with web socket support coming soon as well. If you're looking for a new tool like this, make sure to give Yaak a try!

Tools & Open Source

Grats: A More Pleasant Way to Build TypeScript GraphQL Servers

What if building a GraphQL server were as simple as just writing functions? Your TypeScript resolvers are already annotated with type information. Grats uses those existing types to determine your GraphQL schema. When your implementation is your schema, there's no need for clever TypeScript tricks to validate that your code and schema match.

Looking for a GraphQL caching solution in Bun? It’s time to BuQL Up

Welcome to BuQL, the harmonizing of Bun and GraphQL, with ioredis included for the most optimal query response times. Any developer with a Bun-based codebase can now utilize BuQL as an Express middleware to intercept queries, returning the responses from a cache when possible and caching them otherwise. BuQL is able to bring all of this to the table in an easy-to-use npm package equipped with security features to mitigate risk.

Tools & Open Source

Conductor: MIT open-source GraphQL Gateway

Conductor is a cutting-edge, open-source GraphQL Gateway, fully compliant with the GraphQL specification and designed to supercharge any GraphQL API with a number of powerful features and proxy flows. Crafted entirely in Rust, it offers unparalleled performance and a great developer experience, making it an ideal choice for projects requiring advanced GraphQL capabilities.

Tools & Open Source

Rate Limiting for Federated GraphQL APIs with Cosmo Router & Redis

Discover the key to managing rate limits in federated GraphQL APIs with WunderGraph! This article delves into the intricacies of rate limiting and how WunderGraph provides a seamless solution. Learn how to handle API requests efficiently, ensuring fair usage and optimal performance across your federated GraphQL services. Whether you're a seasoned developer or new to GraphQL federation, this guide will empower you to implement effective rate-limiting strategies. Let's dive in!

Inigo Plugin for GraphQL Yoga

The Inigo team is excited to announce that Inigo now fully supports integration with GraphQL Yoga, the latest and most flexible GraphQL server by The Guild.

Grafbase: Automatic Persisted Queries

And the Grafbase team released support for Automatic Persisted Queries for their GraphQL platform.

Tools & Open Source

Announcing three open source Rust crates for the GraphQL ecosystem

One of the major strengths of GraphQL is a single, well defined standard, with a schema language, validation rules, and adjacent specs. Libraries can effectively implement the common interfaces, standard-defined behavior, and compose within the GraphQL ecosystem in any language. To expand GraphQL support in Rust, Grafbase recently introduced three open-source crates.

Tools & Open Source

Announcing Field Level Authorization for GraphQL Federation with Cosmo Router

Exciting news for GraphQL Federation enthusiasts! πŸš€ Dive into this article to catch the buzz about WunderGraph's latest game-changer: field-level authorization for GraphQL Federation. Uncover how this feature elevates security and flexibility in your federated GraphQL APIs. It's a must-read for developers eager to empower their services with precise control over data access. 🌐✨

πŸš€ Generate and optimize a post's featured image using AI, with the new Gato GraphQL v2

Embark on a visual adventure with GatoGraphQL v2! πŸš€ This article unveils the magic of generating and optimizing post-featured images using AI. Join the exploration of cutting-edge technology as GatoGraphQL takes your content visuals to the next level. Discover how AI transforms image creation and optimization, adding a dash of innovation to your workflow. If you're keen on enhancing your content game, this read is your gateway to a world where AI meets GraphQL for stunning post-featured images! 🌟🎨

Tools & Open Source

Unleash the Power of Security with GraphQL Protect: Fortifying Your GraphQL APIs

Gear up to fortify your GraphQL APIs with this guide on GraphQL Protect. Unleash the power of security in a no-nonsense read tailored for developers. Skip the hassle, dive straight into practical tips, and bolster your GraphQL defenses. It's your go-to resource for securing your APIs effectively and navigating the security landscape with confidence.


Graffy is a Chrome "side panel" extension that listens for GraphQL results on visited websites. When found, that data is transformed into a "network" graph using vis.js. Originally designed as the missing graph visualization tool for Apollo Studio, Graffy can reveal interesting networks returned by all sorts of sites that use GraphQL.

Tools & Open Source

gql.tada πŸͺ„

The gql.tada project aims to improve the experience of writing and using GraphQL with TypeScript on the client-side by providing more feedback when writing GraphQL, and reducing friction between TypeScript and GraphQL. gql.tada as a project was started to answer the question: β€œWhy can’t we teach TypeScript to understand the GraphQL query language?”

Tools & Open Source

Announcing Open Source Hasura GraphQL Engine v3

Read up on the latest developments with the open-source Hasura GraphQL Engine v3. The article offers an informative exploration of the updates, making it accessible for those intrigued by the latest features and enhancements in Hasura's GraphQL Engine.

OSLabs Qevlar

Qevlar is a dependency-free security testing library for GraphQL APIs that runs directly from your CLI. It assesses vulnerabilities to a multitude of DoS attacks, malicious SQL/NoSQL injections, and more.

Tools & Open Source

Will it Comp-Ho-Ho-Hose?

The WunderGraph team released a nice little game for the holiday season that teaches you more about GraphQL Federation.

Tools & Open Source

Announcing Fuse.js: The opinionated framework for creating typesafe data layers

Stellate is excited to announce Fuse.js, an opinionated open-source framework for creating typesafe data layers with ease. It’s tailor-made to make it simple to transform backend APIs to frontend needs.

Tools & Open Source

Gato GraphQL v1.2 Release (with new Persisted Queries)

Explore the latest update in Gato GraphQL's journey. Learn more about new features introduced in version 1.2, focusing on the addition of persisted queries. It's a concise overview for those familiar with Gato GraphQL, highlighting the incremental yet significant improvements introduced in this latest release.

Tools & Open Source


The team that maintains GraphQL Editor recently released GraphQL AI, a set of tools that allows you to query common AI models using GraphQL. If you'd like to add some AI magic to your app, and are already using GraphQL, take a look!

Introducing the Grafbase Postgres Connector

Curious about integrating PostgreSQL with GraphQL? This read unveils the GrafBase Postgres Connector, a game-changer for database interaction. Delve into an exploration of its functionalities and benefits, sans the technical maze. Tailored for both beginners and seasoned tech enthusiasts, it offers insights without drowning you in complex terminologies. Whether you're a developer or a database aficionado, this article offers a clear path to understanding and harnessing this connector's potential.

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